Display ads
Digital package of branded formats for fast and wide coverage of doctors
Banner ad formats on the Doctor at Work platform
Delivery of finished materials with F2F visits to digital
Training program with knowledge control
Educational videomeetings with doctors
Delivery of key points of the congress to the doctor’s feed
Resource for self-education of doctors and pharmacists
Performance ads
Motivation program for doctors
Opinion of the doctors’ relevant audience
Doctor’s interaction with the content
Brand territory on “Doctor at work
Native ads
A package of native tools within the theme announced on the platform
Publication in the doctor’s feed pinned in the TOP-3 for a week
Publications grouping grouping by topic with possible subscription
Targeted ads for doctors on social networks
Large-scale announcement of your event
Drawn animated videos for doctors
Regular video releases united by a common theme
Case study in the doctor-patient dialogue format
Video with interesting facts about the drug
Exciting quiz for doctors
Gaming mechanics for drugs promotion
Omnichannel marketing
Communication platform for medical representatives and doctors
Unified base of doctors

Patient Support Programs
Patient support

Direct mailing to doctors of target specialties
Mass mailing of messages to doctors
Award in which doctors choose the best drugs
Award in which pharmacy employees choose the best drugs
Employees of pharmaceutical companies choose the best specialists in the

Award for the most active doctors of the Doctor at Work platform
To obtain client access to the "Doctor at Work" platform, contact your personal manager or email sales@doktornarabote.ru.